Hello All. It's been a long time coming, but I have
decided after 40 years to retire from radio effective immediately. Why?
Between my work life, my family life, and other pursuits, I simply do
not have the time that I once had. It's time to do other things. It's
something that has been on my mind for the last couple of years, and I
came to the realization that the shows are just not sustainable if I
cannot give them the time I once did.
you to everyone who has supported me, been involved with the shows, or
has become a friend. I'm still around, so feel free to stay in touch.
This website may not always be accessible, but past shows will remain available at archive.org - simply search under the show name.
final new programs have now been recorded and will be available for
Pacifica members stations via
AudioPort on 1/16 before the air dates. Stations airing the shows have
been contacted, and some will continue to air archived Out of the Woods
and Music for the Mountain shows (thanks to them!). Please feel free to
email me with any
questions. Thank you again for allowing my participation. I wish you
all the best.
-Jon 'Chip' Colcord