"Roots, Americana, Bluegrass,, Classic Country, Acoustic Blues, Old-Time, Celtic, Singer-Songwriter, Folk"

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Playlist 2/27/15

Welcome to Out of the Woods, a 3-hour program of mostly acoustic music produced in Concord, New Hampshire. The show airs weekly on the following national and international FM and online
Boston Free Radio, Sundays 7 am e.s.t.
The Global Voice, Sundays 4 pm e.s.t., and
Monday>Tuesday 12 am e.s.t.
Homelands Radio, Tuesday 8 pm e.s.t.
Bumps Radio, Wednesday, 3 pm e.s.t.
Sword Radio UK, Thursday, 11 am e.s.t.
Shout Radio (check schedule)
WYAP 101.7 FM West Virginia (check schedule)
KXCR 90.7 FM Oregon, Tuesday 10 pm, Thursday, 7 am p.s.t.
KGIG 104.9 California (check schedule)
WSCS 90.9 FM New Hampshire, Saturday 7pm e.s.t.
KONR 106.1 FM Alaska, Tuesday 1 pm ak.s.t.
Neopa Community Radio Ohio (check schedule) (weekly podcast)

The show can also be heard anytime by visiting the archives.

To listen to the archived version of the show online, go here:

For the syndicated version for broadcasters (split for local breaks), go here:


DANA & SUSAN ROBINSON - Raleigh & Spencer - American Hornpipe - Threshold


MILKDRIVE - John Paul - Places You've Not Been - Self

MILKDRIVE - Hall Of Stone - Places You've Not Been - Self

HOT RIZE - A Cowboy's Life - When I'm Free - Ten In Hand

THE DOWNHILL BLUEGRASS BAND - Wonderland - Wonderland - Limestonehouse


6 STRING DRAG - 10 Hard Time, High Times - Roots Rock 'N' Roll - Royal Potato Family

(Moors & McCumber ID for Out of the Woods)

MOORS & MCCUMBER - Pandemonium - Pandemonium - Self

MURDER BY DEATH - Natural Pearl - Big Dark Love - Bloodshot

SHANNON & HEATHER SLAUGHTER - Whiskey Colored Dreams - Never Just A Song - Elite Circuit

JOSHUA PALMER - Pride Of Man - Joshua Palmer - Patuxent


CAITLIN CANTY - Enough About Hard Times - Reckless Skyline - Self

THE STRAY BIRDS - The Bells - Best Medicine - Yep Roc

STEVE MARTIN & EDIE BRICKELL - Sarah Jane And The Iron Mountain Baby - Love Has Come For You - Rounder

ROBERT EARL KEEN - 52 Vincent Black Lightning - Happy Prisoner: The Bluegrass Sessions - Dualtone


GRANDPA'S COUGH MEDICINE - La La Lolly - 180 Proof - Self

BRUSHFIRE STANKGRASS - Hippies Hornpipe - Microclimates - Self

I SEE HAWKS IN L.A. - Raised By Hippies - California Country - Western Seeds

ANNA LAUBE - Hippie Boyfriend - Acoustic Rainbow Roots, Vol. 34. - Acoustic Rainbow

RACHEL HARRINGTON - Hippie In My House - Makin' Our House A Honky Tonk - Self

(Weekly concert calendar over 'Waiting for Gordon by Dana & Susan Robinson)

ERICH MCMANN - Redneck Hippie - The Last American Songbook - Paisley Cowboy

TERRY RIVEL - High School Hippies - Broken People - Self

VICTOR FURTADO - The Ghost On Hippie Hill - Victor Furtado - Patuxent

JOHN HARTFORD - Up On The Hill Where They Do The Boogie - Aereo-Plain - Rounder


THE GRASS IS DEAD - He's Gone - The Grass Is Dead, Vol. 1 - Self

JORMA KAUKONEN - Ain't In No Hurry - Ain't In No Hurry - Red House

JOEL MABUS - How About The Blues - A Bird In This World - Fossil


KEVIN DEAL - Play Me A Country Song - Nothing Left To Prove - Self


SPUYTEN DUYVIL - Keep Your Skillet Bood And Greasy - Social Music Hour, Vol. 1 - Self

KEN WHITELY AND THE BEULAH BAND - Indian Buffet - Ken Whitely And The Beaulah Band - Borealis

GWYNETH MORELAND - As The Crow Flies - Ceilings, Floors, And Open Doors - Self

MARK BRINE - Warren's Lil' Fix-It Shop (in memory of Warren B. Kriss) - 21 Solo Performances, a CD & 1/2's Worth - Kjk


THE GRASS CATS - Can It Get More Lonesome Than This - The Old School Road - New Time

SPRINGFIELD EXIT - George Cunningham - That Was Then - Patuxent

VOLUME FIVE - Amanda - Voices - Mountain Fever

CODY SHULER - Listen To The Hammer Ring - Rural Rhythm


FRED GILLEN JR. - The Ghost Of Joe Hill - Wage Love - Dys

SCOTT & MICHELLE DALZIEL - Meant For Speed - Dragonflies - Dl Arts

(Phil Henry ID for Out of the Woods)

PHIL HENRY - Old Joe's Chair - Aberdeen - Self

RED TAIL RING - Ohio Turnpike - The Heart's Swift Foot - Earthwork


NIALL TONER - Planxty Coolasnaughta/Flower Of Liffey Hall (Instrumental) - Working On Love - Avalon

ALTAN - The Tin Key/Sam Kelly's Jig/The Gravediggers (Jigs) - The Widening Gyre - Compass

THE BURNS SISTERS - Mothers' Ode - Looking Back: Our Irish American Souls - Sisters Music

(Outro over 'Happy Trails' by Quicksilver Messenger Service)

 email to:

Promotional materials and music to:
Jon Colcord
10 Oriole Rd.
Concord, NH 03301


Out of the Woods is an independently-produced,
3 hour mostly acoustic music program heard
weekly on the following radio stations:

Boston Free Radio, Sundays 7 am e.s.t. 
The Global Voice, Sundays 5 pm e.s.t.
The Global Voice, Monday>Tuesday 1 am e.s.t.
Homelands Radio, Tuesday 8 pm e.s.t.
Bumps Radio, Wednesday, 3 pm e.s.t.
Sword Radio UK, Thursday, 11 am e.s.t.
Shout Radio (check schedule)
WYAP 101.7 FM West Virginia (check schedule)
KXCR 90.7 FM Oregon, Tuesday 10 pm, Thursday, 7 am p.s.t.
KGIG 104.9 California (check schedule)
WSCS 90.9 FM New Hampshire, Saturday 7pm e.s.t.
KONR 106.1 FM Alaska, Tuesday 1 pm ak.s.t.
Neopa Community Radio Ohio (check schedule) (weekly podcast)



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 Jon Colcord - Google+

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